The 3 most powerful presentation techniques of Seth Godin

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    This is the most condensed book about Seth Godin EVER. First it was a free ebook, downloaded over 10 000 times, then it was converted into this nicely formatted Amazon Kindle ebook and now sells for 99c.The only content is barebones, hands down, what Seth Godin does to make his presentations so powerful and entertaining. It's about 13 full US Letter pages jam packed with analysis, quotes, links, pictures, and original ideas by Seth Godin and Moshe Feldenkrais. Buy this book if you want to have a concise, well structured, Seth Godin approved, reminder of how to make amazing presentations.One more thing about the brevity of this book: Many people actively, fiercely, and rudely complain this ebook is too short. They do not acknowledge the effort and expertise that went into creating this book. They say they can google the information in a couple of hours themselves. Let me assure you this book is better than googling the information yourself. I wrote it because I needed to improve my own presentation skills. Thanks to this book I did. Let me give you two examples: in June 2013 I gave a speech to over 1200 people, at a gala. In the audience there have been politicians and representatives of the media, all dressed in expensive evening clothes and fine dresses. The audience was thrilled by my presentation. The whole lot cheered and applauded. Later many came to tell me in person that they enjoyed the speech.Six months earlier I held a 40 minutes presentation on opening day of my business. There have been around 100 attendees. Some of them from media and socially important. They also have been thrilled, and even months later, I occasionally hear that this was one of the best speeches they heard in years. And this is all thanks to the 3 techniques I found with Seth Godin; and laid out in this book. So please: if you're merely a fanboy of Seth Godin, you might be disappointed. But if you're serious about improving your presentations, you will appreciate this book.

    Author : Alfons Grabher

    Release Date : 2013-05-29


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