Google+ for Business: How Google's Social Network ChangesGoogle+ for Business: How Google's Social Network Changes Everything

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  1. Google+ for Business: How Google's Social Network ChangesGoogle+ for Business: How Google's Social Network Changes Everything
    Christophe Ducamp: xtof bought Google+ for Business: How Google's Social Network ChangesGoogle+ for Business: How Google's Social Network Changes Everything and rated it ★★ :

    Rien appris. Tout prêt à le prêter à ceux qui voudraient découvrir G+ : Comment partager un livre sur le Kindle store francophone ?

    Tuesday, 27-Dec-11 09:07:12 UTC

    Product Information

    The Complete Business Guide to Google+, Today’s Hottest New Social Network! Every week, millions more people sign up for Google+: Suddenly, it’s today’s hottest new social network. Google+ for Business reveals why Google+ offers business opportunities available nowhere else--and helps you grab those opportunities now, before your competitors do. Top social media professional speaker and business advisor Chris Brogan shows how to get great results fast, without wasting time--and without wasting a dime. Brogan guides you through using Google+ for promotion, customer service, community building, referrals, collaboration, and a whole lot more. You won’t just master innovative new tools like Circles and Hangouts: You’ll use them to generate more customers and more cash! Make the right first moves after you’ve signed up for Google+ Take advantage of links between Google+ and Google search Define the best Google+ strategy and tactics for your business Create a business page that attracts new paying customers Integrate Google+ into your current online/digital strategies Learn how your customers are using Google+--and give them what they’re looking for Use Circles to organize your contacts and interactions more effectively Create Google+ posts that draw attention and spark conversations Master warm selling on Google+ Build a simple, low-cost content strategy around Google+ Grow your audience and share others’ valuable content Discover new ways to derive even more value from Google+  

    Author : Chris Brogan

    Label : Que Publishing

    Manufacturer : Que Publishing

    Studio : Que Publishing

    Release Date : 2011-12-20


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