David Bizer - Google+

  1. Google+
    David Bizer: thatparisguy rated Google+ ★★★★★ :

    I'm loving the G+ mobile app - finding more and more use for this platform everyday!

    Thursday, 21-Jul-11 16:18:56 UTC · view on Twitter
    1. Edouard Gasser: edouard

      I am kinda disappointed. It feels more like a mobile website than a real app to me. Don't you think?

      Thursday, 21-Jul-11 16:21:45 UTC
    2. Julien Chaumond: julien

      Haven't tried it yet, but I need to.

      Thursday, 21-Jul-11 16:23:43 UTC
    3. David Bizer: thatparisguy

      sure, maybe it's not a beautiful iOS app - but what I'm liking right now is all the options it gives me which I didn't really have all in one place before -- I like the nearby functionality on the stream -- discover new people, especially at this stage because it's all early adopters. Also, really like the fact that it can access all the photos on my iPhone and then I can share them - really wanted this for some time - can also easily look up people, flick between circles -- it's just useful.

      Thursday, 21-Jul-11 16:24:43 UTC
    4. Edouard Gasser: edouard

      I agree, the nearby functionality is neat. I still have difficulties to make my friends switch from FB to Google+ and so my feed is more a "twitter" feed type. So I guess I am biased. I am just not a big Google+ fan.

      Thursday, 21-Jul-11 16:34:02 UTC · view on Twitter
    5. David Bizer: thatparisguy

      this chrome extension might be helpful for you - a bit buggy, but the potential of having facebook and twitter integrated makes one unified social dashboard and it will only get bigger https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hbgcgahdbgbdenffckohanhobdcnkoip#

      Thursday, 21-Jul-11 16:40:50 UTC
    6. Edouard Gasser: edouard

      Thx, indeed! Integration between the two is crucial.

      Thursday, 21-Jul-11 22:59:31 UTC