"Hey Mom, tell Rod..."

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    In the city of Seattle, Washington, RODNEY and MAGGIE SMYTHE receive a message on RODNEY's telephone answering machine from MAGGIE's son DANNY by a former marriage, saying "Hey, mom, tell Rod I am coming home, see ya' soon.". DANNY and RODNEY, step-son and step-father, have had a strained relationship since RODNEY and MAGGIE were married. The message sends RODNEY and MAGGIE into hours of arguments, wild goose chases, unanswered questions and dead end situations. They call airlines and Amtrak to find him and his family on their passenger lists. Unable to find them they decide to drive to the Amtrak Station to meet a train they think may be the one they are on, only to come up empty handed. While they are off on this wild goose chase, DANNY, ANGELIQUE and DANNY JUNIOR arrive at RODNEY and MAGGIE's home, park their car in the garage and fall into bed exhausted. Hours later RODNEY and MAGGIE return home exhausted and saddened having not found them at the train station. On his way to bed RODNEY stumbles over the luggage left by DANNY in the hallway. They hear a baby crying and decide to bring the "hungry" DANNY JUNIOR into the study for a visit. Minutes later ANGELIQUE screams from the bedroom.SET: The library/study in the home of RODNEY and MAGGIE SMYTHE.Royalty NotificationAll performances before an audience are subject to royalty. All producing groups MUST submit a completed royalty application, purchase a cast quantity of scripts, obtain written permission, provide performance information, and submit a completed application (if royalties are not quoted). Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized alteration, reproduction, distribution, or exhibition of copyrighted materials. Photocopying of materials is strictly prohibited. Performance rights are subject to restriction and availability limitations. No one is authorized to quote or receive royalties for my plays other than myself and/or my representatives. Royalty, Billing and Credit Requirements: Royalty Fees are due 10 days prior to your first performance. All producers of the Play must give me, the author, credit as 'Author of the Play' in all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play and in all instances in which the title of the Play appears for purposes of advertising, publicizing or otherwise exploiting the Play and/or a production. My name must also appear on a separate line, on which no other name appears, immediately following the title, and must appear in size of type not less than fifty percent the size of the title type. On all programs this notice should appear:"Produced by special arrangement with THOMAS M. KELLY AND THISTLE DEW PUBLISHING COMPANY of SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA"For Performance License and Royalty Schedule please contact Thomas M. Kelly at:thistledewtheatre@gmail.com or thistledewplaywrights@yahoo.comLicensing The production rights to this work of Thomas M. Kelly, are controlled exclusively by Thomas M. Kelly. Without the permission of Thomas M. Kelly, in writing, no performance of his play(s) may be produced, performed or read, before an audience, whether an admission fee is charged or not. A royalty fee must be paid, in advance, for every performance. Royalty fees, for amateur productions, are listed with each play. Professional productions must receive a Professional Royalty Quote from Thomas M. Kelly. Restrictions: No videotaping or recording by internet, electronic or mechanical device is permitted, without the permission, in writing, of Thomas M. Kelly. No photocopying or duplication of scripts in any form is permitted. The play must be presented as it appears in the script: no alterations, interpretations or deletions in the text, title or gender of the characters or changing of the time and place or setting of the play is permitted.

    Author : Thomas M. Kelly

    Label : Thistle Dew Publishing

    Manufacturer : Thistle Dew Publishing

    Studio : Thistle Dew Publishing

    Release Date : 2011-06-21
